현재 Philips 조명 웹사이트를 방문하고 계십니다. 현지화된 버전을 이용하실 수 있습니다.

    당신의 눈이 더 편안하게

    집안은 더 밝게


    Philips LED 조명으로 최적의 편안함을 누리세요


    필립스 LED 라이팅

    탁월하면서도 눈부시지 않은 부드러운 밝음.


    필립스 LED 기술은 단지 아름답고 밝은 조명만을 추구하지 않습니다.  새로운 기술로 눈에 부담을 주지 않는 편안한 조명인지까지 고려합니다.  필립스의 LED 조명은 설치 공간에 딱 맞는 빛 품질을 제공함과 동시에, 눈에 보이지 않는 깜박임까지 없애고 눈부심을 감소했으며  균일한  빛까지 선사 합니다.  에너지 절감은 기본입니다. 필립스의 LED 조명은 모든 가정에 믿을 수 있는 조명솔루션을 제공합니다.


    눈이 편안한것이 중요합니다.

    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.

    올바른 조명의 선택은 오랜시간 학습하는 어린아이들의 눈 스트레스를 덜어 줄 수 있습니다.


    Philips LED 조명은 눈부심과 깜박임이 없이 모든 공간을 밝고 부드럽게 비추어, 눈을 편안하게 합니다.

    Philips LED 조명은 눈부심과 깜박임이 없이 모든 공간을 밝고 부드럽게 비추어, 눈을 편안하게 합니다. Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    눈이 편안한것이 중요합니다.

    깜박임이 없는 편안한 빛 

    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.

    Philips LED 조명은 모든 실내의 공간을 깜박임이나 눈부심 없이 밝혀 줍니다.  밝고 조용한 LED 조명은 가정에서 온 가족이 보낼 수 있는 시간을 기대할 수 있습니다.

    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    어떤 순간에나 편안한 깜박임이 없는 빛

    편안한 가정을 위해
    음영이 생기지 않는 균일한 빛

    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.

    가정에 적합한 조명을 선택할때 눈에 주는 부담과 스트레스를 줄일 수 있는 가를 고려합니다. 우리의 소중한 아이들은 점점더 긴 시간 조명 아래서 공부해야하는 것이 현실이기 때문입니다. 필립스 LED 조명은 모든 방에 적절한 밝기를 제공하면서도 눈에 편안한 부드러운 빛을 제공합니다. 고른 빛 분포를 통해, 필립스 LED 조명은 눈에 부담을 주지 않도록  편안하면서도 밝게 집을 비춰 당신의 가족에게 완벽한 순간을 선사 합니다.

    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    Even light distribution for your cozy home

    눈부심이 줄어 편안한 시간을 보낼 수 있습니다.

    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.

    많은 아이들의 눈이 쉴틈도 없이 TV, 핸드폰 화면에 노출되어 있습니다.  Philips LED 조명은 눈부심을 줄여 아이들이 책을 읽거나 공부하는 공간에서 눈의 피로를 덜 느낄 수 있도록 돕습니다.

    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    눈부심이 줄어 편안한 시간을 보낼 수 있습니다

    신뢰있는 빛 품질

    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.

    에너지 절약형 Philips Essential LED 조명은 완벽하고 믿을 수 있는 가정용 조명 솔루션 입니다. 오랜시간동안 탁월하고 부드러운 빛을 보여줄 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 일년내내 에너지를 절약할 수 있습니다.

    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    Picking the right light at home can help relieve stress on the eyes, as children face more pressure to study harder and longer hours. Philips LED lights will ensure that every room is brightly and softly lit for optimal eye comfort.
    신뢰있는 빛 품질

    깜박임이 없는LED

    눈이 편안한 필립스 LED 를 만나보세요
    깜박임이 없는 Philips LED 조명이 어떻게 당신의 눈을 편안하게 하는지 확인하십시오.

    눈부심이 줄어든 LED

    눈이 편안한 필립스 LED 를 만나보세요
    눈부심이 감소된 Philips LED 조명의 이점에 대해서 자세히 알아보십시오.

    눈이 편안한 LED  필립스 조명


    필립스 씬스위치

    LED 다운라이트

    LED 램프

    LED 등기구

    직관형 LED